Montag, 20. Februar 2017

Sightseeing & last days in France :)

Now, that finally all our exams are over - there is more time to enjoy the beauties of this area :)

last glance of Eurecom in the sun after the last exam :)

First of all, there are plenty of nice beaches at the Côte d'Azur - and luckily the weather god helped us and gave us amazing 15 degrees and sunshine on the last day of exams the first time since two weeks  :)

I hereby want to share some pictures of my trip yesterday to Monaco, and the little hiking at the 'Cap d'Antibes' which has a really nice stone beach with clear, beautiful water :)

This are pictures of the 'Cap d'Antibes', a bit hidden, stone-beach with insane waterfull colours. Apparently good for snorkeling as well, but the sea is still a bit cold to this without a proper wetsuit ;)

Just two pictures of Monaco, here is the very famous 'Formula 1' racing curve :)
Otherwhise the city is obviously very wealthy (and small), but has some nice places like the public Gardens close to the 'Palais des Princes de Monaco' where I enjoyed a bit of reading in the sun and watching the sun&the sea and enjoying the quiet & peacefull gardens :)

This is almost it for me - the last days of sun&beaches beore finishing my time here in France and at Eurecom, and going home again to Munich :)

Whoever of Eurecom's people is reading this blog (if anybody ;) ) - it was nice to meet you - and feel free to come to Munich! See you again somewhere sometime (Wien probably ;) )
 Everybody else take some sun - it's free :D

sunset at the inner-city beach of Cannes

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