Sonntag, 19. April 2015

Rotorua Hot & Cold Stream ;)

For a few days I stayed in Rotorua and enjoyed some hidden sights and especially some hotpools and a hot & cold stream which was shown to us by a kiwi :)

Due to the thermal activities in this area, the whole city smells like eggs - but you get very used to it after a day or two ;)

btw it is pretty cold at the moment ;p

In the city and the surrounding areas everywhere are hot pools and steam coming out of the ground :)

The hostel was very nice and cheap, for only 19 bucks a night, including unlimited (!!) fast Wifi, free tea and coffee, and lots of spices - so cooking was a very good activity there ;-)

After a four day stay i hitched to Taupo where I am staying at the moment :)

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